Tuesday 15 December 2015

My Preferred Bible Translations

Date originally written: 16-Dec-2015
Date added some notes at end: 10-Jan-2024

My preferred bible translation is ESV. Let me tell the history of my journey of choosing a bible translation.

My very first bible is KJV, actually it was owned by my mother who passed away when I was 14. As a young girl and non-native speaker, I find KVJ really hard to understand and I rarely read it, I didn't know any other translations then. Though later I understand that I am not yet born-again that time, which explains my lack of interest in reading the bible nor living the life of a Christian. In fact I became agnostic at the age of 28, but God was so merciful that he called me again on 2012 and that was the time I was properly born in His Kingdom. If you are interested to read a rather long testimony, you can see the link at the end of this article.

I have chosen ESV(English Standard Version) this year (June 2015) as my primary bible, especially for book memorization. It is 'essentially literal' and word for word translation as the translation committee said. I just love the elegant style of rendering and yet readable, compared to my very first bible KJV which was hard to understand. Though it was not an easy decision for me because our church's primary bible is NKJV and all of our worship songs are in NKJV. Also, the Christian brother who helped me to be converted to Christianity on 2012 has given me NIV and Spirit Filled Bibles (NKJV bible study) but lately I rarely use them, only when I have difficulty understanding the ESV then I consult in NLT, NIV and NKJV(Spirit Filled..).

The very first bible that I personally bought myself is a cheap soft cover ESV, but then I noticed the pages were falling off as I've been using it extensively. Therefore I bought the more expensive one, a classic sewed (maroon floral bible, second from left in the image). The cardboard cover of the bible says it has a lifetime guarantee (and the pages won't fall off because it is sewed). I am so happy with this purchase. I also bought an English-Greek Reverse Interlinear. Why I bought this? Well, I was then a Software Developer and I always opt to see the source code of a product, it is helpful for me to gain more understanding of the subject.

I've also got NLT (New Living Translation) which is a 'thought for thought' translation primarily for fellowship or sharing purposes. I thought it is easier to share to other young in faith Christians because its just so easy to understand. I'll read or quote in ESV and someone will read in NLT. Although in the long run I wanted to know the 'word for word' translation, that is why I preferred ESV or NKJV. Nevertheless, I am very thankful for this bible, when I was very young in my faith, this was the first bible that I could understand and I've read it entirely cover to cover, better said mostly I hear from my iPhone's Bible apps. Yes it's great to have it played and just listen to it while doing other chores and before you know it you could completed the entire bible!

I bought a Life Application Study Bible in NLT because its good to know how other people interpret the bible in daily lives, honestly I rarely use this now because of my tight schedule of memorizing the new testament.

I kept my NKJV since most of my brothers and sisters in Christ is using this version, though I rarely use it, maybe when I want to understand more about what  I am memorizing in ESV.

I just love the word of God and I wanted to know all about him and I am always amazed whenever I learn something more about Him, His words and promises, the Life he wanted us to live on earth and His future plans for us in Heaven and New Earth. Its like I know I am looking at the tip of the iceberg and I know there is so much I can possibly see only if I look further, trust Him, fix my eyes on my saviour Jesus, attentive of the voice of the Holy Spirit and lean on Him to know Him more and more.

@28-Feb-2019 I updated this to add my favorite bible of all right now. This is a Waterproof ESV New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs by Bardins&Marsee Publishing. I put the bookmarks for book name which I bought at Tecman, a Christian bookstore in Singapore.

 I order this online through bookdepository (that explains that bookmark), (and I heard they are closing so don't be surprise if you you cannot google that) the pages are so white without seeing the letters from the back page. The good news is each page is identical to how my maroon whole bible looks like, thus my memorization work is not affected.
I carry this wherever I go, to work, at lunch time, while travelling to work on my memory work. Look how small it is with standard bread beside it. My son who is turning 5 now (Feb 2019) have a copy of this which he loves so much!

If you are keen to know how I do my memorization and timelines, see this blog:

For those who are interested to know my testimony, see this blog:

God bless you!

I'm still using that waterproof bible in that image until now and it withstood the time after 5 years. It is great that I bought a few copies so sometimes I left one in the office, I still have at home a copy.